Cathleen Kneen's blog

LEAP Manifesto

A large and growing group of Canadians have come up with a manifesto which calls for genuine change to our approach to the environment and an end to policies which foster climate change. Read it and sign on:

Cargill Profile

Wednesday, February  17, 2010
Cargill sells Saskferco nitrogen production facility

It does not appear yet on Cargill's websites, but in late 2008, Cargill and the Provincial Government of Saskatchewan sold their joint enterprise, Saskferco, to Yara International of Norway for $1.8 billion. Saskferco was owned 51% by Cargill and 49% by the Saskatchewan goverment.  This appears to remove Cargill from direct fertilizer production.

Cargill Agrees Australasian Fats Acquisition

Cargill agrees Australasian fats acquisition
FPD, 11-Dec-2009

Cargill has entered into an agreement to acquire the edible fats and oils business of Goodman Fielder in Australia and New Zealand, which it says will aid efficient future growth in the region.

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