Issue #298

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Muddled Thinking on the Middle Class: Confusing middle income with middle class helps hide the reality of exploitation behind inequity.
Corporate Irresponsibility: JBS, the owner of XL Foods, is so huge it seems to be able to make its own rules, placing blame for contamination on the CFIA.
Bird Species Threatened: Species are shrinking because of the growth of monoculture cropping, including the disappearance of habitat such as Canada's natural prairies.
Disney Creates Charming Agro-toxin Spray Plane: Disney's newest characted, a 'principled, hard-working and kind' crop duster, receives approval from the US Ag Aviation association.
More on Beemageddon: A new study points out the complexity of threats to bees, including fungicides.
You Are What You Eat, part 2: Plant DNA has been found in human blood.
Food Sovereignty or Corporate Sovereignty: Cargill is now in a position to arrange the world food system to its agenda.
Money Chasing Money Around: Insurance company mergers and acquisitions.
The Perils of Industrial Food Production: New Zealand dairy products banned from some international markets on reportts of botulism contamination.
Haitian Peasant Group Wins Food Sovereignty Prize: A group made famous by their refusal to accept Monsanto's disaster aid of GMO seeds wins the Food Sovereignty Prize; the World Food Prize goes to execs from Monsanto and Syngenta.
African Food Sovereignty: African farmer coalition moves to support small-holder farmers and their seed supplies in the face of African and foreign attempts to control them.
Bruised Fruit: A reflection on the changes in Del Monte over the decades.
Syngenta on the Attack: In defense of atrazine, Syngenta tries to discredit critics.
